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LUKA Ash L-Shaped Desk W115cm x D85cm Left Hand
LUKA Ash L-Shaped Desk W115cm x D85cm Left Hand
LUKA Ash L-Shaped Desk W115cm x D85cm Left Hand
LUKA Ash L-Shaped Desk W115cm x D85cm Left Hand
LUKA Ash L-Shaped Desk W115cm x D85cm Left Hand
LUKA Ash L-Shaped Desk W115cm x D85cm Left Hand
LUKA Ash L-Shaped Desk W115cm x D85cm Left Hand
LUKA Ash L-Shaped Desk W115cm x D85cm Left Hand
LUKA Ash L-Shaped Desk W115cm x D85cm Left Hand

LUKA Ash L-Shaped Desk W115cm x D85cm Left Hand

340,47 EUR
brutto / pc.
Najniższa cena produktu w okresie 30 dni przed wprowadzeniem obniżki: / pc.
Cena regularna: / pc.
Cena katalogowa:340,47 EUR
Możesz kupić także poprzez:
14 dni na łatwy zwrot
Sprawdź, w którym sklepie obejrzysz i kupisz od ręki
LUKA Ash L-Shaped Desk W115cm x D85cm Left Hand
LUKA Ash L-Shaped Desk W115cm x D85cm Left Hand
Width:115 cm (1 drawer)
Bezpieczne zakupy
  • De verzendkosten zijn inclusief inklaringskosten en BTW-kosten (van toepassing op de landen Groot-Brittannië, Zwitserland en Noorwegen). Voor sommige afgelegen gebieden (bijvoorbeeld eilandlocaties) in uw land kunnen we extra kosten in rekening brengen. Als u twijfelt over uw locatie, neem dan contact op met; wij berekenen de kosten.
  • Afhankelijk van de scherminstellingen kan de kleurtint enigszins afwijken van de werkelijkheid. In de productparameters vindt u de exacte NCS-code, die u helpt bij het kiezen van de juiste kleur.
  • Niet alle kleurvarianten van de producten staan in onze onlineshop vermeld. Als u een kleur van de poten of het blad vindt die u graag wilt toepassen op een ander product dat deze optie niet heeft, kunt u ons een e-mail sturen.
Kod producenta
115 cm (1 drawer)
85 cm
Legs' color
Natural Ashwood
75 cm
Distance between floor and bottom of the desktop
73 cm
Distance between floor and bottom of the drawer
65 cm
Tabletop thickness
19 mm
Drawer Mechanism
Wooden slides
semi-gloss (20 gloss)
Product Certification
Shipping method
Small parcel
Number of Drawers
Drawer Interior
44,5 cm x 28,5 cm x 5 cm [eng]

Create a modern workplace with our Scandinavian corner desk. The L-shaped desk is constructed of two rectangular desktops set on a base made of solid ash wood. The writing desk gives us easy access to a laptop and documents, making simultaneous work with notes and a computer on two monitors even easier, and more importantly - more convenient. Depending on the size, the desk is equipped with two or one drawer with wooden guides.
In addition to two sizes (115x85cm, 135x85cm) and several finishes of wooden elements, you can also choose the orientation of the table: left or right. Which gives you the ability to arrange the desk the way you want! (check the overview graphic). The available wood stainings are oak, walnut, white and black.

We offer a cabinet that matches the height and depth of the desk > LUKA Office Container. We give a 15% discount if you decide to buy these two products, two LUKA desks or any two products from the LUKA collection.

Our contribution to carbon neutrality.

We believe that sustainable development is a series of small steps that each of us can take to change the world a bit. Our products are FSC® certified, which guarantees that wood is harvested and processed concerning the natural environment and labour law.

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Zapytaj o produkt
Jeżeli powyższy opis jest dla Ciebie niewystarczający, prześlij nam swoje pytanie odnośnie tego produktu. Postaramy się odpowiedzieć tak szybko jak tylko będzie to możliwe. Dane są przetwarzane zgodnie z polityką prywatności. Przesyłając je, akceptujesz jej postanowienia.
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Zaufane Opinie IdoSell
4.81 / 5.00 253 opinii
Zaufane Opinie IdoSell
Everything was perfect, the product is very nice. Maybe a manual could be better printed (too light grey font). GLS was not albe to deliver the package for the first time (maybe some problem with the name of our street), I was forced to call them but they then delivered it next day properly. Thank you very much, Pavel
Ware ist genau wie gezeigt. Gute Qualität, schnelle Lieferung.
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